INNOVAVENT - Laser – Optics – Systems
for Solid State Laser Lift-Off, Annealing, Crystallization, Dopant Activation, Ohmic Contact Formation on semiconductors and more…… are of modular design and developed in close cooperation with users and system integrators.
The key competence is to prepare homogenized laser lines and other geometrical configurations from coherent laser light. The product range covers low budget optical systems up to sophisticated Line Beam optical systems including lasers, homogenizing optics, imaging p-Lenses and beam diagnostics.
We Make SLA Available
SLA (Solid State Laser Annealing) at double scan speed compared to ELA (Excimer Laser Annealing)
SLA provides perfect crystallization of thin a-Si films for flexible OLED TFT back planes. OLED displays take advantage of the thin film transistor performance built into regular p-Si patterns generated by laser annealing. The SLA process enabled by INNOVAVENT Line Beam optics and multiplexing of standard TM 8340 (Trumpf Lasertechnik, Germany) pulsed 343nm Solid State Lasers provides uniform regular p-Si patterns at double scan speed and reduced cost of ownership compared to the currently used ELA process.